Building from evidence gathered over 20 years of research, exploring the epidemiology of the diesease, its clinical presentation and pathology, and the burden from social and economic perspective, it was logical to organise the first national conference on podoconiosis with key outcomes geared towards advocacy and control. The objectives were:
- Sharing with the concerned stakeholders, knowledge on podoconiosis acquired over two decades of research.
- Getting podoconiosis prioritised in the Cameroon NTD strategic plan and developing the Cameroon national podoconiosis management guideline
- Advocate for inclusion of podoconiosis in the curriculum of Cameroon medical training and
- Encourage young scientists to carry out research on podoconiosis
Conference overview
Day 1 of the meeting began with the opening ceremony highlighted by speeches from the representative of the Minister of Public health, that of the University of Buea and the President of the West Regional Council interspersed by a presentation from the president of the local organizing committee focusing on the objectives. The conference had 3 scientific sessions in total. The first was that on Epidemiology and Public Health chaired by Prof. Gail Davey, with the assistance of Dr. Peter Enyong. In this session Prof. Gail presented on Podoconiosis: epidemiology, clinical features, risk factors and disease management while Dr. Nji Theobald presented on the Impact of Podoconiosis on Quality of Life of Affected Individuals: Evidence from Empirical Studies.
The second scientific session dwelling on the Management of Disease was chaired by Prof. Epee Emilienne and Dr. Manuel Ritter had four presentations from young future researchers from the team. The presentations explored the creation of specialized treatment centres for affected patients, the estimated cost to patient and centre offering the morbidity management service, the potential role of microbes in disease and management of the disease, and the use of morphometric measurements in monitoring the lymphodema. The last Scientific session chaired by Prof. Bisseck Anne and Prof. Wanji had as focus Future research on podoconiosis. Perspectives of research on podoconiosis was dissected from three fronts. Dr. Manuel Ritter explored obstacles to tackle in podoconiosis research, while Prof. Wanji, looked at the Research for differential diagnosis of podoconiosis and Dr. Ndifor (trial clinician) focused on research geard towards treatment.
Conference outcomes
At the end of the presentations and interactions that took place during the 2-days conference, the main outcomes were:
- National sensitization and awareness creation on the disease podoconiosis, its sufferers, their household and community members.
- Elaboration of conference resolutions: Following interactions and deliberations by different stakeholders represented at the maiden national conference on podoconiosis, with the view to create a platform that will focus on the need for advocacy for a paradigm shift, to bring podoconiosis to the limelight as a neglected tropical disease of public health importance and give it the attention it deserves.
List of conference participants
1. The Ministry of Public Health
At Ministry (Central level)
- Regional delegates and coordinators
- District chief of service
- Community health workers
2. The WHO Country Office
3. International Researchers/Collaborators/Researchers from universities
4. Funders
5. Academia
- University of Buea Administration
- Professors and Researchers
- Medical/Public health schools
- Students
6. Non-Governmental Organizations
- Helen Keller International
- Plan International
7. Cameroon Society of Epidemiology (CASE)
8. Local Administration
- West Regional Council
- Council/Mayor
- Traditional heads
- Study participants and communities: For availability and active participation.
- Community health workers: For their devotedness and contribution towards improving the health of their communities.
- University of Buea: For hosting research activities and group, and providing technical and personnel support.
- Regional and local administrative authorities: For active support of the studies at various administrative levels
- Ministry of Public Health: For active collaboration in the implementation of research activities, provision of infrastructural and personnel support.
- International collaborators and funders: For technical support in and funding of the numerous studies carried out. BSMS, University of Bonn, University of Addis Ababa, TAKeOFF,
- Research team / field study team on the ground: For enthusiastically engaging in research and field activities, and their dedication to excellence.